Chip Seal
Asphalt Surface Treatment (often referred to as chip seal, tar and gravel, BST-Bituminous Surface Treatment) is a widely used and very cost effective way to pave and maintain roadways.
We have the experience, expertise, and technology to handle any chip seal application. Variable width, computer controlled asphalt distributors and aggregate chip spreaders allow precise application over the full width of a road without gap or overlap due to a seam. Nine wheel pneumatic rollers and steel drum rollers are the standard compaction equipment.
New Construction
For new construction, chip seal is placed on a properly installed stone base. The first layer consists of installing a layer of liquid emulsion and a medium sized clean stone. After this is completed, alternate layers of seal stone and liquid emulsion are placed. There are many different application processes for this technique and many different grades of emulsions. With our knowledge we can pinpoint your specific need and provide you with the best solution for your road project.
Chip Seal remains the most widely used pavement maintenance technique in the country. This process is done by alternating layers of clean stone and liquid emulsion to an existing paved surface. Chip Seal will produce and all-weather surface, renew your existing surface, improve aesthetics, and increase skid resistance. Most importantly it seals the existing surface, thus preventing the infiltration of water, which is the most frequent cause of pavement failure.
This process is done by placing a chip seal application prior to the installation of hot mix asphalt. There are a multitude of advantages to using this process. This application is very advantageous when applied on an existing distressed surface. Each layer of chip seal equates to adding 3 inches of base stone. The chip seal application will prevent reflective cracking in the hot mix asphalt for years to come and create a more flexible bond between hot mix and the existing surface. These are only a few of the advantages of using AST Underlayment.