Hot Mix
Hot mix is probably the most familiar type of pavement surface associated with paving. It is a very popular paving surface for roads and parking lots. Job specific mix designs and depths are readily available. We have the equipment and experience to offer a wide variety of hot mix paving solutions for your project.

New Construction
For new construction, hot mix is placed on a properly installed stone base that meets density and moisture requirements. Inches specified are recommended by us and the proper information is given to the customer to make the best decision possible.
Resurfacing is a process where hot mix is placed on a pre-existing surface. In some cases, leveling may be required before the final lift is installed to bring the road to its best potential and ride-ability. In highly distressed areas the existing asphalt may have to be removed and replaced prior to installation of the final surface to accomplish a waterproof surface.
AST Underlayment
This process is done by placing chip seal prior to installation of hot mix asphalt. There are a multitude of advantages to using this process. This application is very advantageous when applied on an existing distressed surface. Each layer of chip seal equates to adding 3 inches of base stone. The chip seal application will prevent reflective cracking in the hot mix asphalt for years to come and create a more flexible bond between hot mix and the existing surface. These are only a few of the advantages by using AST Underlayment prior to hot mix installation.